Ink and Lens
2 min readMar 30, 2024

‘’A bittersweet tale etched in my heart,

Promises shattered, like fragments of glass,

Leaving behind memories too painful to pass.’’

My heart’s cities are filled with the smoothness of your voice, it is like a slow love song that makes my insides flutter. My body misses the warm feeling of your skin on mine, my eyes yearn to look into your hazel-coloured eyes one more time ; I often find myself searching for you in the crowd .

Whenever the topic of love comes up, my mind, like on auto control, goes to you. Love had always felt like a gentle breeze on a serene morning, like ice cream melting on my tongue on a sunny afternoon and a long hug after a hectic day, but with you, it was much more than that.

Love became a lifestyle and not just a feeling; it was in the gentleness of your embrace , the forehead kisses you gave me, your kindness even in conflict, softness, the way you held me like I was the most precious thing to ever exist. I felt it in the twinkle in your eyes when you smiled and in the way you threw your head back when you laughed at the most random things in pure delight. I’d like to think that my favourite feeling was how much attention you paid to the little mundane things every other person thought was silly , the gentleness in the way you held my hand in public spaces, the sense of security being with you gave me and how much we trusted each other.

Now I sit by your grave and realise that it was your world and I was an unpaid actor, now that you are no more, how do I live ? Out of everything I have lost, you’re the one I will never forget.